Why the Harris Federation chose to partner with Bedrock


Secondary | MAT

The Harris Federation

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Academy size

52 schools

Bedrock partners with

32 schools (all secondaries)

Free School Meals






Bedrock partner since

June 2019

Why Bedrock?

In the Harris Federation, vocabulary was identified as a key concern and a barrier to learners developing a love of reading and being able to produce beautiful written work or speaking like a subject expert. Being predominantly in areas of high deprivation, it was important for the Harris Federation that their solution provided excellent support for disadvantaged learners, whilst still challenging those very able students.

Bedrock’s impact

It is clear to teachers and SLT across the Federation that learners enjoy completing their Bedrock lessons, they’re engaged and can immediately see that they are making progress.

Bedrock Learning certainly has the power to turn students into linguists and open doors to their futures. Vocabulary is the absolute lever point to their future and therefore Bedrock Learning has the power to create their future.

Charlotte Evans

Harris Federation Literacy Lead and Assistant Principal at Harris Academy Peckham

Finding the perfect solution for every school in the trust

Across the Harris Federation, Writing Oracy and Reading Development (WORD) is a key influence across every policy, with low vocabulary identified as a barrier to students developing a love of reading and being able to produce beautifully written work within every subject. Looking for more than an intervention tool, leaders at the Harris Federation wanted a platform that would challenge their brightest learners as well as support those who struggle.

Seeing the impact of Bedrock being transferred into tangible outcomes in the classroom gives teachers the peace of mind of knowing that their learners are successfully mastering new vocabulary, allowing them to dedicate more of their time to teaching the rest of the curriculum.

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